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EQ-i : BarOn emotional quotient inventory : a measure of emotional intelligence : technical manual. by Reuven Bar-On. Print book. English.The Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQ-i): technical manual. Toronto,. Canada : Multi-Health Systems. Bar-On, R. (2000). Emotional and Social Intelligence: EQ. Technical Manual. EQ. INTELLIGENCE. EMOTIONAL. THE ABILITY TO IDENTIFY. AND MANAGE ONE'S 3 – Description of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI). First, a description of the Emotional Quotient Inventory (the EQ-i), how it was developed is found in the Bar-On EQ-i Technical Manual (Bar-On, 1997b). The Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQ-i): Technical Manual. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems. has been cited by the following article:. The BarOn EQ-i is designed to measure emotional intelligence in individuals over the age of 16. Emotional intelligence pertains to the emotional, personal, The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i): Technical manual · Read this article at · Comments · Comment on this article · Navigation.
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